Join Jeff Bailey for This FREE Restorative 4-Part Series

Sponsored by:
Pure Presence Conferences & The Teachers of God Foundation

Reclaim movement, health and stability that naturally belong to you and your body.

Almost everyone will experience some degree of hip, low back, or sciatic pain in their lifetime. But pain is elusive. We tend to target the pain and not the problem, and rarely are pain and problem in the same place!

If we can get to the problem, we can solve it because (as A Course In Miracles promises) the problem and solution are in the same place.

We are so excited about what Jeff is doing with Avita Yoga. Grounded in a Nondual understanding of yoga and his experience with A Course in Miracles, Jeff provided daily sessions at our Pure Presence Conferences sponsored by the Teachers of God Foundation. We asked him back to create a program to offer to all of our audience — a beneficial sampling and experience of this powerful healing work…

Join Jeff Bailey in this 4-part Avita Yoga series that addresses hip and low back pain at their source. If you are like many others, you have tried "getting rid" of the pain, and in the first class, you will learn that pain is merely a call for attention.

You will understand the difference between pain and healing sensation, a powerful skill. The yoga shapes you know and practice in these classes will give you the tools to begin working with the pain, not against it, to get to the source of the problem where it can be resolved.

Avita is a profoundly healing practice in body and mind.

It works because we gently target the mind through the body, using practical, doable shapes. As we unwind the mind and resolve the past, we land peacefully in the present moment, where all healing occurs.

While Avita Yoga works on all body parts, this four-part series will primarily address hip and low back pain. Come to it expecting results. Come to it to gain a new and helpful perspective on your body.

Jeff's aim is that you will walk away from this with practical new tools that bring more freedom in your body and deeper access to your peaceful mind.

This is an online 4-part recorded series — join us from wherever you are! 

Life happens. Then somewhere along the way, the “happening” catches up to us and we find that our body doesn’t function with the same ease and comfort that they did in the past. No one can avoid the effects of time and gravity on the body, not to mention the injuries, both physical and nonphysical, and the compensatory patterns they generate. What usually happens is we "chalk it up" to old age and we justify our condition, but you don’t have to do that. A consistent Avita practice will reverse the effects of time on your body.

Do you feel distracted, disconnected, or overwhelmed?

Are you ready to change the picture of yourself?

If yes, then this program was made for you.

Your Instructor

Jeff Bailey

Jeff’s passion for yoga’s physical and spiritual intelligence was born in 1986. Yoga means “to join,” but with what? The answer came in 1990 through a blue book called A Course in Miracles. Everything began to have meaning. Two significant injuries became gifts that pointed to the study of Rolfing® and the creation of Avita Yoga®, a moving mediation that heals in body and mind. Jeff has found that with a curious, self-forgiving approach, yoga can heal almost anything.

Jeff has over 6,500 teaching hours and heads the Avita Yoga® Teacher Training. He works with people of all ages and is exceptionally skilled at resolving chronic pain. Along with his wife Lori, Jeff is the proud owner of Yoga Loft in Boulder, Colorado.

Avita Hip & Low Back Sessions:

Avita Hip and Low Back Class #1:
Don't Shoot the Messenger

Too often we try to "get rid of pain." But pain is not the problem, it is simply the messenger. What happens if we succeed in getting rid of it? We lose the feedback and the ability to track our way to the source of the problem. First we must learn to work with our problems, not against them.

Avita Hip and Low Back Class #2:
Discovering Healing Sensation

As we begin to change our mind about the pain, we open the door to a new way of being. No longer prisoner to our pain, we are empowered to begin to discern the difference between pain and healing sensation.

Avita Hip and Low Back Class #3:
The Body Doesn't Forget (but we can)

Trauma of any kind, whether mental, emotional or physical, has lasting repercussions on the body. We forget but the body remembers everything. We need a way to resolve the recent stressors as well as those from the distant past. Avita Yoga helps bring it all to the light of our awareness, in a safe and timely manner where it can be resolved.

Avita Hip and Low Back Class #4:
Healing Tools For A Lifetime

We put it all together here. The goal is for you to walk away with helpful tools in your toolbox—that you may have less fear and practical techniques to maintain freedom.

Learn from Avita Yoga creator Jeff Bailey as he guides you through a deeper understanding of how this yoga can impact your body, your mind, and your life in a positive way.


It isn’t about trying to fit the body into difficult positions for future gain.

It is about reclaiming the movement, health and stability that naturally belong to you and your body in the here and now.

It’s a shift in perception—starting anew, right where you are each time you arrive on the mat, no matter what condition your body is in, no matter what frame of mind you are in—it’s perfect because that’s exactly what needs tending. Avita Yoga® is about creating new possibilities in body and mind, moment by moment.

The sequences help resolve limiting patterns that no longer serve us so we can remember a healthier way of being in body, mind and spirit. It’s about going forward and creating a new way of being, for a lifetime.

Create new possibilities moment by moment...


Resolving Hip & Low Back Pain with Avita Yoga

Click the button below to sign up...


Online 4-Part Workshop


What People Are Saying:


"I am so excited to be able to do my practice when I travel. In the past I think I’m going to lay on the floor in my hotel and get my legs up the wall and, well, frankly I don’t get to it. Now I have Jeff to guide me through and I can stay on track. Thank you! "


"I learned about Avita Yoga when Jeff was doing a retreat in Costa Rica. He invited me to join them in a few classes. Right away I could feel the difference in my body. I have waited a year and half and now I can get back into the practice! My body thanks you. "


"Avita Yoga has had a profound impact on my body and my mind in attitude. I am not over challenged and then at the same time my body is completely tested. I always finish with the feeling — that's just what I needed."


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