Current, Upcoming and Previous PPC Events

Awake in Stillness: The End of Dreaming
"Awake in Stillness: The End of Dreaming" is an online immersive conference designed to guide you to a profound recognition of your true nature through direct experience of the transformational teachings of nonduality, Advaita Vedanta, and A Course in Miracles. With over 25 world-renowned teachers sharing insights and powerful practices for awakening including Rupert Spira, Swami Sarvapriyananda, Dan Schmidt (Awaken the World Initiative), Angelo Dilullo, M.D. (Simply Always Awake), Keith Kavanagh, Lisa Natoli, Shakti Caterina Maggi, Helen Hamilton, Amoda Maa, Louise Kay and many others, this conference invites you into the heart of stillness where true knowing and peace reside.

A One Year Masterclass for Awakening with Bill Free
In this Masterclass, Bill Free offers you his unique pointing and direct experience that led to his own realization to open the door to your immediate and lasting Awakening Experience.
Using his clear teachings, the tool of his reinterpretation of A Course in Miracles with nondual translations, and his open, direct teachings, Bill is ready to do for you what he has done for thousands of others.

Journey of Awakening: The Unity of Mind, Body & Heart
Embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening at the Journey of Awakening: The Unity of Mind, Body & Heart Conference, which took place virtually on November 10–12, 2023. The conference emphasizes the integration of body, mind, and heart in the journey of awakening, leading to a fully embodied, aware and compassionate life.
This three-day sanctuary of inspiration, wisdom, and transformation features over 15 international presenters from diverse backgrounds and expertise, giving attendees the chance to learn from some of the most influential figures in the spiritual community.Â

Many Paths, One Self
The Intersection of Awakening
The Way of Truth and the Experience of Inner Peace we all long for reveals itself in a myriad of traditions throughout world culture: Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, A Course in Miracles, Advaita Vedanta, A Course in Love, Judaism, Nondual Direct Path, New Thought, Islam and many, many more.
Join us for three days as we come together with an open mind and available open heart to hear consciousness through itself at the Intersection of Awakening.

The End of Seeking Conference: Exploring the Paradox of Awakening
You may have heard spiritual teachers share that there’s no one to awaken; that we’re already and have always been that which we’re seeking. This is the great paradox at the heart of all seeking.
We understand this conceptually, but the questions remain: How do we come to an Absolute understanding that goes beyond the mind? What will bring our seeking to an end? And for those who’ve had a glimpse of self-realization or as an abiding reality, a life lived from this awareness continues.

Know ThySelf: The Way of Peace and Happiness Conference
The Know ThySelf: The Way of Peace and Happiness Conference is an invitation to come home to your true Self and know that which you seek is already here. It is the end of seeking.
This is not a conference to help you collect more ideas, concepts or unique practices so you can awaken someday and finally find lasting happiness and peace.Â
For this conference to accomplish its potential and goal, it requires one thing from you: Above ALL things — know ThySelf.

The Integrated Awakening Conference: Living the Nondual Understanding
The experience of awakening to our true nature is just the beginning: Integrating this awakening is what’s next.
Our inspired lineup of speakers help support you to live the nondual understanding in your day-to-day life. This is authentic, embodied awakening — the reason we’re here.

The Awareness Conference: Open the Heart, Know the Truth
The Awareness Conference is a frequency of awareness in a shared experience one rarely finds at a single event. Open the Heart, Know the Truth is that rare experience of Awareness that brings Speakers, Musicians and Yoga Teachers, who vibrate a frequency not of time and space but the open Heart of Pure Presence and Grace.
If this is your time to Open your Heart and Know the Truth — set aside time just for you and give yourself the gift of Awareness: Know the Self, Know the Truth.

Pure Presence Summit: Abiding as Love's Presence
The Awareness of Love’s Presence as Self is our natural state, yet most who glimpse beyond the veil are at some point drawn back into the dualistic dream state. What draws us back? And how can we abide in this state that is our true home?

A New Beginning
World Conference
Dive deep into themes that include The Direct Path to Peace and Happiness, Living Your Calling through A Course in Miracles, Revolutionary Advancements in Mindfulness to Treat Trauma and Addiction, Healing Depression & Fear with Spiritual Tools, Finding Calm and Contentment in Turbulent Times and much more!

The Four Principles of God: A Model that Points to Truth
In this workshop, you will learn a model called The Four Principles of God which will help give direction to your spiritual path. You will also learn which spiritual practices are most helpful to you now.
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